Wednesday, May 23, 2007

You Won't Believe It!

Have you ever been on trip far from home and then run into someone you knew?

This has happened to me more than once.

It is almost like you planned it.

Of course I am 6' 7" tall, I am easy to spot in a crowd of people. But think about the odds of running into someone at that very moment, the same place, the same day, and at the same minute.

I have two brothers who both drove over a hundred miles taking their families to an amusement park on the same day. Neither one knew of the others plans. Sure enough they ran into each other in a park filled with over 20,000 people.

The last time it happened to me was while I was in California and a friend was showing me around Universal City Walk in Los Angles. The place was packed. The City Walk is designed to stimulate your senses with all the architectural designs, the bright colors, flashing lights, and carnival sounds. The chances of walking past your best friend and missing them are high because of all the distractions.

As soon as I saw my friend walking towards me I thought what shall I say…..We had not seen each other for several years and I was sure I did not look the same so I politely said, “say don’t I know you?” and she said, “ I don’t think so,” as she started to walk by. Then I said, “It’s me,” as I said my name. She was startled and then she quickly recognized it was me and smiled saying, “How are you? What are you doing here?” Her son had taken a job there in California. She was visiting so he was showing her around the City Walk at on the same day, at the same time. What a surprise.

I have a friend who told me story where he and another friend made plans to secretly meet in Europe while on vacation. Both couples had made vacation plans on their own. Later they found out they would both be traveling around Europe the same time of the year. My friend wanted to really surprise his wife so he called up the other guy and they made plans during their vacation time to meet in particular city, in front of a famous statue at the same time and not tell their wives. That way when they ran into each other it would appear to be by chance, a special moment in time.

Later that night they went out to eat together to celebrate a memorial moment in time and both couples went on their way for the rest of their trip wondering if by chance they would meet again in Europe. The husbands never told their wives how they had planned that meeting. Their wives still talk about how they unbelievably bumped into each other in Europe while on vacation.

Creating memories is what it is all about. Some times it happens on its own and other time they could be planned. You may never know.

You won’t believe it.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Your Travel Business

Yes you can own your own on-line travel business. You can make money every time some one books their next vacation or travel through your Website.

The travel industry has turned into a seven trillion dollars business and it is still growing fast. Why? You baby boomers. I am one of them. It is time to travel.

This industry is the perfect part-time business. With the availability of owning your own business through the Internet you are now able to reach thousands of people who are ready to book their next vacation with you. Today 82% of all travel is booked on-line.

You can own a piece of that business by just sending your friends and family to your Website and making a commission on their bookings. When your friends and family tell others how much fun they had and how easy it was to book their travel through your site your business grows.

If you decide to make this a full time business then the sky is the limit. If you love to travel and you enjoy helping other people, this business is for you.

You will get all the perks from building a home based business, working your own hours, choosing who you work with, taxes advantages, and special up-grades offered to travel agents and personal benefits. Most importantly it is FUN!

This is perfect network marketing business. You do not buy and stock pile product. All the back office work is done through your Website. All you have to do is promote your business. People love to talk about their travels and making plans for their next trip.

Booking travel on your Website is just like booking travel with Travelocity. Visit my Travel Website at:

Steve Hart

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Too Hot to Travel?

What is too hot for others may not be too hot for you?

In other words check temperatures before you travel. Remember a nice breeze and low humidity do make a difference.

Not everyone agrees what is too hot and what it too cold. That is why America is lucky to have Arizona and Alaska, something for everyone. Also out friends in Canada are a welcomed summer vacation.

Me I like to be where it is warm and near water. When I moved to Florida people would say to me, “How can you stand the summers with the hot weather and the humidity?” I always say, “I live on the ocean. The ocean breeze lowers temperatures and it lowers the effects of the humidity and it keeps the bugs away.” People don’t believe me and they shake their heads in disbelief. I say when the kids are out of school its time to come on down for the summer.

I have traveled to other parts of the USA during the summer and I can tell you that Florida is not as hot as other places in the summer. Texas, New Mexico and Arizona are the worst. Sure it is a dry heat but it is still HOT!

It was so hot in Arizona I saw asphalt turn back into its liquid state. The cows were giving evaporated milk. The weathermen were said it was the second hottest summer on record. Apparently, the only time it was hotter was when the earth was first forming.

I’ve been in Indiana when it was almost 100 degrees and on that same day it was only 89 back home in Florida. When it gets humid in Indiana….that is very uncomfortable to me. Taking a breath of fresh air is like dunking your head in a bath tub of warm water.

The state of Arizona does provide some options. I remember driving from Flagstaff to Phoenix. In two and half hours you will drive down a drop almost 6000 in elevation.
In the winter you can have snow in Flagstaff and warm weather in Phoenix.

During the summer the whole of Florida is warm, other places warmer, and in some places really hot. Orlando is generally not too bad. Disney made a wise choice in choosing Orlando. On some days it does get a bit hot and humid in land away from the coast line.

Taking a cruise from Florida to Bahamas or any where south may be a hot trip in the summer. One summer it was so hot in the Bahamas I saw them throwing ice on the chickens to keep them from laying hard boiled eggs. So beware.

In conclusion don’t believe what every body says. Summer is a great time to travel. Check ahead for comfortable weather.

Check for the best deals at:

Steve Hart

Friday, May 11, 2007

TV Trays and Travel

Do you remember your family’s TV trays?

When I was a child I remember my mother letting my brothers and I set around the living room eating dinner while watching TV. This was one of many new events that changed our lifestyle during the 50’s.

My aunt and uncle had given us our TV trays as a gift. They were the aluminum kind which featured folding tops with a fascinating picture printed on top.

To this day I remember that picture very well. It has stuck its self deep within my memory almost fifty years later. It was one of those old vintage travel pictures from Cypress Gardens, Florida.

In the picture were tropical trees, plants, and flowers around a lake with people water skiing behind a boat stacked upon each others shoulders like a pyramid. I remember being so impressed with picture since I had never seen anything like this.

It was not until I was in my late teens that I was able to make my first trip to Florida to witness this picture in person. It was another world to me.

I remember seeing my first palm tree, picking an orange off a tree and the first time I saw the ocean. For a boy who grew up in the cornfields of Indiana I was so impressed with Florida.

After several trips to Florida I ended up moving here. I love it.

I had no idea how much the impression of that picture on the TV tray had made upon my mind until I finally got to see it here in Florida.

If you are like me I am sure there is something in your past that is calling you to go visit a place you have never been. Start planning now. Let your memories come full circle.

Book your trip through

Your Internet Travel Agent,

Steve Hart

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Why Travel?

“Why would you want to travel?”

Before I attempt to answer this question I want to tell you story. I believe this story will give you a better insight to our world and how some people live.

In 1998 I was on my way to attend a national convention. It was a longer drive than I wanted. Today I would have flown. As I was making my way through several states I made the best of it by making frequent stops and enjoying our beautiful country.

Just about an hour away from my destination and I had to make another pit stop. I found a Wal-Mart so I decided to purchase a few things before I made it to the big city.

I think it is important for me to inform you that the convention was being hosted in a state capitol and I will refrain from revealing the name of that state since it could have happened in any state.

As I was standing in line making my purchase I asked the cashier how far it was to the state capitol? I was trying to figure out how much longer it was going to take before I reached my destination. She said, “I don’t know.” Her answer surprised me so I asked her, “When you drive to the state capitol how long does it take?” She says, “I have never been there.”

Now I am really surprised to hear her answer. I am looking at this lady whom I would guess to be middle aged, living an average income lifestyle and she is telling me she has never been to her state’s capitol which I found out later was less than an hour away.

She then said “I have grown up here and I have never had a reason to travel any further than 30 miles away from my home.”

As I walked to the parking lot I was laughing to myself trying to image what type of life it would be to never travel any further than a short distance from your home.

I will now answer the question, “Why would you want to travel?

I have found travel to be one of the best forms of education. You can read books watch TV and meet other people who are traveling through your city but the experience you get when you travel that is the best education.

During college I heard someone say, "Don't tell me how educated you are, tell me where you have traveled." The more I travel the better I understand this statement.

You can not help but change your perspectives on life once you begin to travel. Until you have experienced other people living in other locations you have no real idea what life is like in other parts of the world.

Educational expert, Howard Gardner, said, "Hitler didn't travel. Stalin didn't travel. Saddam Hussein never traveled. They didn't want to have their orthodoxy challenged.”
History may have changed if they had traveled to better understand our world.

Give yourself a gift. Travel outside of your hometown. Make the whole trip an educational experience.

I have walked the streets in New York City, the beaches along Florida’s coast line, the monument mall at our nation’s capitol, ridden the “L train” in Chicago, listened to jazz in New Orleans, driven through the Rocky Mountains, hiked in a California’s forest, and got stuck in traffic in Los Angles, all of these experience have changed the way I view America.

My suggestion, get an education by traveling someplace new. Expect to learn something new. You will be surprised what you will learn when you travel.

Steve Hart, your ytb travel agent

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