Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Too Hot to Travel?

What is too hot for others may not be too hot for you?

In other words check temperatures before you travel. Remember a nice breeze and low humidity do make a difference.

Not everyone agrees what is too hot and what it too cold. That is why America is lucky to have Arizona and Alaska, something for everyone. Also out friends in Canada are a welcomed summer vacation.

Me I like to be where it is warm and near water. When I moved to Florida people would say to me, “How can you stand the summers with the hot weather and the humidity?” I always say, “I live on the ocean. The ocean breeze lowers temperatures and it lowers the effects of the humidity and it keeps the bugs away.” People don’t believe me and they shake their heads in disbelief. I say when the kids are out of school its time to come on down for the summer.

I have traveled to other parts of the USA during the summer and I can tell you that Florida is not as hot as other places in the summer. Texas, New Mexico and Arizona are the worst. Sure it is a dry heat but it is still HOT!

It was so hot in Arizona I saw asphalt turn back into its liquid state. The cows were giving evaporated milk. The weathermen were said it was the second hottest summer on record. Apparently, the only time it was hotter was when the earth was first forming.

I’ve been in Indiana when it was almost 100 degrees and on that same day it was only 89 back home in Florida. When it gets humid in Indiana….that is very uncomfortable to me. Taking a breath of fresh air is like dunking your head in a bath tub of warm water.

The state of Arizona does provide some options. I remember driving from Flagstaff to Phoenix. In two and half hours you will drive down a drop almost 6000 in elevation.
In the winter you can have snow in Flagstaff and warm weather in Phoenix.

During the summer the whole of Florida is warm, other places warmer, and in some places really hot. Orlando is generally not too bad. Disney made a wise choice in choosing Orlando. On some days it does get a bit hot and humid in land away from the coast line.

Taking a cruise from Florida to Bahamas or any where south may be a hot trip in the summer. One summer it was so hot in the Bahamas I saw them throwing ice on the chickens to keep them from laying hard boiled eggs. So beware.

In conclusion don’t believe what every body says. Summer is a great time to travel. Check ahead for comfortable weather.

Check for the best deals at: www.ytbtravel.com/magic2motivate

Steve Hart

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